Google News: Video Find: Mitsubishi Takes Outlander, Outlander Sport Defy Death Road
[TruckTrend Magazine (blog)] - We documented the whole event, every hair-raising turn, and allow people to ride shotgun with a 360 cam," said William Gelner, Executive Creative Director at 180LA. Go behind the scenes with the Mitsu Team for a peek of what is to come, and then head
Google News: Video Find: Mitsubishi Outlander, Outlander Sport Defy Death Road
[MotorTrend Magazine] - We documented the whole event, every hair-raising turn, and allow people to ride shotgun with a 360 cam,” said William Gelner, Executive Creative Director at 180LA. Go behind the scenes with the Mitsu Team for a peek of what is to come, and then head
Google News: VIDEO: Vydajte sa s Mitsubishi na najnebezpečnejšiu testovaciu jazdu na svete
[] - Zobrali sme ho na najnebezpečnejšiu cestu sveta, aby sme dokázali jeho funkčnosť. Celú akciu máme zdokumentovanú. Každá nebezpečná zákruta bola zachytená kamerou otočnou o 360 stupňov,“ povedal William Gelner, výkonný kreatívny riaditeľ 180LA.
180LA Creative Chief William Gelner to Depart Agency | Ad Age
Under Gelner's leadership, 180LA became produced award-winning work such as UNICEF's
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