Willie Brown and Mayor Free People Check 

( I'm Willie Brown)
(1 - 39 from 123

Dufty says he's in mayor's race

[San Francisco Chronicle] - The approved resolution, sponsored by board President Kim-Shree Maufas and board member Jane Kim, called on elected officials to amend a city ordinance

30 Profiles in 30 Days from the LGBT World: Gavin Newsom

[Examiner.com] - In 1997, Mayor Willie Brown appointed Newsom to San Francisco's Board of Supervisors. Since being elected mayor in 2003, Newsom has worked on behalf of his

Rosalea Barker: One or two or three for the road

[Scoop.co.nz] here is an interview with former California Assembly Speaker/former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who remembered Van Jones as a thorn in his side.

Deeper into the Tunnel: SF Labor Council, Pelosi & Peace Movement

[Bay Area Indymedia] - "The featured speaker was to be Mayor Willie Brown and Zeltzer and Blankfort wrote him requesting that, as an opponent of apartheid, he cancel the speaking