News Albert Camus

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Google News: Sign Joey Barton Immediately: The Chelsea Fans' Season Preview

[Sabotage Times] - Maybe the signing of Joey Barton brandishing the collective works of Albert Camus might change all that. One of the staples of modern tabloid reporting on football fandom is that we can't handle the summer months when their isn'ta World Cup or European

Brief Encounter: Corazon Mizz
[Malta Independent Online] - Otherwise I also like Chekov, Albert Camus and am a very keen follower of the Maltese literary scene. My dream job is exactly what I am doing now. My kind of music is uncluttered and simple – for simplicity is resolved complexity.

For Love of the Game
[New Yorker (blog)] - Another hero of the left, Albert Camus, played in goal for the Racing Universitaire Algerios (RUA) junior soccer team as a teenager. When he was asked, decades later, about this experience he responded with the following words: “After many years during

Political prisoners' relatives: Only economic sanctions will release people ...
[Charter 97] - As one of Albert Camus' personages said: “It is not fearful to end it all, I will have enough courage for that when needed. But ti see the meaning of our life to melt, and how we are losing the grounds for existence is unbearable.

Tajemnica śmierci Alberta Camusa
[Rzeczpospolita] - Utrzymuje on, że za wypadek samochodowy, w wyniku którego w r. zginął Albert Camus, odpowiadają sowieccy agenci. Zamontowali specjalne urządzenie, które po osiągnięciu przez auto określonej prędkości, rozerwało oponę". Camus zginął w wieku 46 lat.

Google News: The Files And Fires - For People Talk Lightly (Album Review)

[ (blog)] - Deriving their name from a passage in Albert Camus classic existentialist novel The Plague, Connecticut based avant gardists The Files and Fires return with their sophomore release, the inquisitively titled 'For People Talk Lightly'.

Both the Left and Right see the London Riots as the Flashing Illumination of a ...
[Huffington Post (blog)] - Albert Camus was on to something when he wrote that the sinister "excites". Violence is powerful, and it is especially powerful if you feel yourself a loser in the game of life, and is directed against those you believe have rigged the rules against

Google News: カミュはKGBに暗殺された、イタリア人学者が論文

[AFPBB News] - (c)AFP/ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT 【8月10日 AFP】1960年に自動車事故により46歳の若さで亡くなったフランスの小説家、アルベール・カミュ(Albert Camus)は、旧ソ連の秘密警察に暗殺されたのかもしれないとする論文が8日、イタリアの日刊紙コリエレ・デラ・

Kohuväite: Albert Camus salamurhattiin
[Ilta-Sanomat] - Ranskalaiskirjailija Albert Camus salamurhattiin, väittää italialaislehti Corriere della Sera. Asiasta kertoi lehdelle italialaisakateemikko Giovanni Catelli. Catelli perustaa väitteensä tshekkirunoilija Jan Zabranan päiväkirjoihin.

Why I Am Not An Atheist
[Huffington Post (blog)] - Why I feel closer to people like Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus is not because they are French, as I am; it is their demand that the world be right and good and true, and their wistfulness that it is not in fact so. Camus' novel La peste (The

Wurde Schriftsteller Albert Camus vom KGB liquidiert?
[Hamburger Abendblatt] - Ein neu entdeckter Tagebucheintrag legt nahe, dass sowjetische Agenten vom KGB den berühmten Autor Albert Camus aus dem Weg räumten. Albert Camus, wie er sich selbst gern sah: als nachdenklicher Geist in Paris. Den Sowjets missfiel seine Kritik am

Qui veut la peau d'Albert Camus ?
[Le Point] - C'est aujourd'hui le cas, quoique à titre posthume, à travers les allégations du poète et traducteur tchèque Jan Zábrana, pour qui la disparition d'Albert Camus dans un accident de voiture en aurait été manigancée par le KGB.

Albert Camus KGB ajanları tarafından mı öldürüldü?
[HABERTURK] - Fransız yazar ve filozof Albert Camus, yılında 46 yaşındayken trafik kazasında ölmüştü. İtalyan Gazetesi Corriere della Sera'ya göre kazanın arkasında Sovyet ajanları bulunuyor. Bu teori, İtalyan akademisyen ve şair Giovanni Catelli'nin

Google News: Did The KGB Kill Albert Camus?

[RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty] - When French writer and philosopher Albert Camus died in a car crash in at 46 years of age, it seemed like nothing more than a freak, tragic accident. Although fans of the Nobel prize-winning absurdist would have appreciated the ironic fact that

Google News: The Haunted Heaven: Chapter Eleven: My Surrender To The Myth of Sisyphus

[Enter Stage Right] - Albert Camus, the great French philosopher, actually the only Twentieth Century French philosopher I will even recognize as a remotely sane citizen of France … aside from Simone Weil, that is … oh, and there's Voltaire, of course … forgive my

Google News: Palestinians for dummies

[Jerusalem Post] - Between faith and disillusionment, between history and myth, Jews and Arabs in a Middle East characterized by Albert Camus's “absurd human nature” may be able to imagine Sisyphus happy, and finally have a chance for peace.

Google News: Albert Camus mohl být v roce zavražděn KGB

[Český rozhlas] - Albert Camus zemřel téměř na místě. Podle informátorů Jana Zábrany KGB úmyslně poškodila pneumatiku vozu mechanismem, který prořízl pneumatiku až po jisté době a rychlosti. Policie tehdy případ označila za autonehodu a dále se jím nezabývala.

Google News: A KGB intézte el Albert Camus-t miatt?

[] - A szovjet titkosszolgálatnak Albert Camus francia író halálában játszott esetleges szerepéről szóló találgatások jelentek meg vezető európai lapokban. Jan Zabrana néhai cseh író, műfordító naplójának eddig ismeretlen szakaszában írt arról, hogy Dmitrij

Juan José Rodríguez Sobre Camus
[El] - Hablo de Albert Camus, autor de El extranjero y La peste, donde narra una epidemia en la ciudad de Orán… Por motivos evidentes, hoy esta novela está siendo releída con verdadero interés en buena parte del mundo. El mal que narra Camus cobra vigencia

Soccer vs the State by Gabriel Kuhn
[The Independent] - A few entries verge on self-parody – Wally Rosell's "The Pass and Albert Camus" claims: "The act of passing is the antipode of a nihilist or Stakhanovist act; it is a creative act" – but there is plenty of thought-provoking history too.

Presidential Words Still Matter
[Huffington Post] Jack London, James Baldwin, Earnest Hemingway, Maya Angelou, Albert Camus, Tennessee Williams, John Steinbeck, Nora Ephron, Theodore Dreiser, Toni Morrison, Martin Luther King, Jr., Alice Walker, Ralph Ellison, Abraham Lincoln, Joan Didion, etc.

Google News: Our beliefs determine how we encounter death

[Iran Book News Agency] - Socrates, Mawlana Rumi, Leo Tolstoy, Martin Heidegger and Albert Camus are other figures whose ideas of death are surveyed in this volume. One more chapter is then given to the survey of death according to Islamic premises.

Google News: Marchionne Speaks Out Now that New Management Team Has Been Named

[Auto Remarketing] - He quoted French philosopher Albert Camus who wrote, “At the beginning of a pestilence and when it ends, there's always a propensity for rhetoric. It is in the thick of calamity that one gets hardened to the truth.” That mindset is what the Chrysler

Andy Martin: Cambridge is the place for Joey Barton
[The Independent] - But it was Albert Camus who spelt out the connection explicitly. There is an urban myth to the effect that Camus used to play in goal for Algeria. He certainly played in Algeria for the Algiers university team. His lonely position between the posts

Palestinians for Dummies
[The International News Magazine] - Between faith and disillusionment, between history and myth, Jews and Arabs in a Middle East characterized by Albert Camus' "absurd human nature", may be able to imagine Sisyphus happy, and finally have a chance for peace.

Google News: Winners at 19th Moscow Times Theater Awards

[The Moscow Times] - The Harder They Fall: Eimuntas Nekrosius' production of Albert Camus' “Caligula” for the Theater of Nations. It's sad to admit, but it's true: The greater they are, the more painfully they flop. Nekrosius is one of the great directors of our time.

Google News: Finding The "Colere" In Corporate Culture

[Fast Company] - Albert Camus had an interesting thought that I think makes the point well. "Without culture….society, even when perfect, is but a jungle," Camus said. How many companies have we all seen that have "perfect" veneer and no culture? Jungles.

Executions Should Be Televised
[New York Times] - Albert Camus related in his essay “Reflections on the Guillotine” that viewing executions turned him against capital punishment. The legal scholar John D. Bessler suggests that public executions might have the same effect on the public today;

Google News: Inclusivity and Pluralism – indispensable for reconciliation and reconstruction

[The (subscription)] - The Algerian-born Albert Camus, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, was part of the French resistance during the second world war. In a critical essay he wrote shortly before his death in 1960, he spoke of the need to safeguard the democratic

Google News: California prisoners assert their humanity with hunger strike

[National Catholic Reporter (blog)] - The French philosopher Albert Camus once said, and this is a loose paraphrase, that if you want to determine the health of a society, visit its prisons. By this standard, we in America are faring very poorly. In tolerating the torture of foreign-born