News Augusto Pinochet

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Google News: Muertes que generan dudas en Chile

[] - Dentro de tres meses, el Servicio Médico Legal de Chile deberá entregar un reporte definitivo sobre las causas de la muerte del presidente Salvador Allende, muerto durante el golpe militar de 1973, liderado por Augusto Pinochet.

Google News: Chile tutkii murhattiinko Pablo Neruda

[YLE] - Nobel-palkittu vasemmistolainen Neruda kuoli vuonna vain 12 päivää sen jälkeen, kun kenraali Augusto Pinochet oli kaapannut vallan. Nerudan on kerrottu kuolleen eturauhassyöpään, mutta viranomaiset aikovat nyt selvittää henkirikoksen

Around the world
[Arizona Daily Star] - Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship that eulogized Allende and accused Chile's soldiers of having betrayed their country. He'd won the Nobel Prize for Literature two years earlier, giving him great international prestige. MADRID - Twelve passengers on a

Una nuova versione sulla morte di Allende
[Il Post] - Allende morì l'undici settembre del 1973, mentre il generale Augusto Pinochet prendeva il potere con un golpe militare dando l'assalto finale alla Moneda, il palazzo presidenziale di Santiago del Cile. Le circostanze della morte di Allende non sono mai

Ratko Mladic health appeal rejected
[New Scientist] - The main precedent for a successful appeal – although nothing to do with the Yugoslavia trials – was the case of the former Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet, who was arrested in the UK in for alleged crimes against Chilean citizens

Google News: Chile: two Mapuche hunger strikers are hospitalized

[World War 4 Report] - Augusto Pinochet and has been used to repress protests by the Mapuches, Chile's largest indigenous group. Chilean indigenous communities and parts of the political opposition consider the case a show trial set up by prosecutors, police agents and

Letteratura: Pc Cile chiede inchiesta su morte Pablo Neruda
[Ticino News] giudice di Santiago la richiesta di aprire un'indagine sulla morte di Pablo Neruda, deceduto il 23 settembre del nella clinica privata 'Santa Maria' della capitale, pochi giorni dopo il golpe militare organizzato dal generale Augusto Pinochet.

Google News: Not yet, Mr. President!

[Nigeria Daily Independent] - Did we not see the monumental work such people did on great minds, who came into power on popular grounds such as Francisco Franco of Spain, Augusto Pinochet of Chile, Idi Amin Dada of Uganda, and Samuel Doe of Liberia, and how they ended up?

Google News: Un cuento (político) de hadas

[Diario de Sevilla] - En 1988, después de 15 años de represión brutal, Augusto Pinochet, "prototipo del dictador indeseable", tuvo la "peregrina idea" de someter su continuidad en el poder al frente de Chile mediante un plebiscito. Cuando se enteró de esta convocatoria

Google News: Chileans will take a fresh look at long-dead president

[Waterloo Record] - Augusto Pinochet. Rather than being remembered as an act of political violence, it may now be acknowledged as a criminal enterprise. Allende's disinterment comes as part of a sweeping criminal probe of about 725 deaths that took place under the

San Rafael in brief
[Marinscope Community Newspapers] - Augusto Pinochet and today not only scientists wander there, but also mothers and relatives looking for the remains of political prisoners who disappeared. The film is in Spanish with English subtitles and will run 90 minutes, plus discussion.

Chile cult suspect pair arrested
[BBC News] - Colonia Dignidad served as a torture centre during the military rule of Gen Augusto Pinochet. The colony was taken over by the Chilean government in A subsequent investigation showed how it operated as a state within a state, with children forced

What's happening this week ahead
[Arizona Republic] - Augusto Pinochet's ferocious attack on the presidential palace. With the Allende family's blessing, Judge Mario Carroza has convened a panel of top forensic experts, seven Chileans and five foreigners. He also seeks evidence that could support charges

Chile: Senador compara a Sebastián Piñera con Augusto Pinochet
[LaRepú] - “Le dije 'no grite' y le dije que no trate de violentistas a los jóvenes que protestan de manera pacífica, porque violentistas les decía (Augusto) Pinochet a quienes pensábamos distintos en la dictadura”, expresó. Como se sabe, Augusto Pinochet fue un

Cry Havoc
[OpEdNews] - US forces helped to place Augusto Pinochet in power in Chile and tried unsuccessfully to depose Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. These are not conspiracy theories--these are facts. This is how your government uses its power. This is how Machiavelli described

Kissinger's Middle East legacy still felt in Egypt
[Channel 4 News] - His term as National Security Adviser also coincided with Marxist Salvatore Allende's fateful term as president of Chile, which culminated in a military coup in September and the installation of General Augusto Pinochet as Allende's replacement.

Why Ken Clarke should stay
[ (blog)] the country (let alone his party) but as a cynical expedient on Cameron's part to suck up to his Lib Dem Coalition partners by appointing to cabinet positions “Tories” so irredeemably left-wing they make Simon Hughes look like Augusto Pinochet.

Google News: Theater of the Absurd: Obama, Street Vendors and the Raw Power of Dictators

[Death and Taxes] - Where was the self-determination of the popular Sandinista government in Nicaragua, in Jacobo Arbenz's government in Guatamala, in Salvador Allende's government in Chile (which the CIA helped the bloody tyrant Augusto Pinochet overthrow)?

Spanish 'super-judge' cleared to consult in Colombia
[Colombia Reports] - Garzon, known variously as a "crusading judge" or "superjuez" (super-judge), achieved fame through several cases pursuing notorious public figures such as Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. The opening of a case in the same vein, targeting Spain's

Google News: Carmen Aguirre, the Vancouver Sun, and disequilibrium

[] as I struggled to process how a right-wing paper like the Vancouver Sun could publish anything positive about Chavez or Morales—let alone print sympathetic words about armed resistance against former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

Good taste: Chilean wine
[New Zealand Herald] - Many members of the Chilean wine trade went into voluntary exile when Augusto Pinochet took power (1973) and overseas consumers boycotted Chilean products. The fall of Pinochet (1989) and the rise of democracy has brought foreign investment to Chile

Pinera Signs Bill to Scrap Copper Funding for Chile Military
[Bloomberg] - Pinera, who unseated the Concertacion coalition that had governed Chile since Augusto Pinochet ceded power in 1990, seeks to end the law that was created by the late dictator. The current mechanism creates distortions, Pinera said today.

Top UN official: 'Gender equality is not a luxury'
[Hurriyet Daily News] - The daughter of an army general who died after months of torture by Augusto Pinochet's forces, Bachelet was herself tortured before being exiled. Upon her return, although trained as a doctor, she joined political organizations to restore democracy in

Nostalgia for the Light
[San Francisco Chronicle] - It's about people looking down and inward, too - archaeologists, political victims and women who hunt for the bones of loved ones "disappeared" by strongman Augusto Pinochet. As filmmaker Patricio Guzmán makes clear in lyric narration

Review: 'Nostalgia for the Light' looks at the cosmos and Chile's haunted past
[San Jose Mercury News] - But the fourth element in Guzmán's visually poetic strategy -- the horrible legacy of 1970s Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet -- gives his film such emotional and intellectual resonance. and "Nostalgia for the Light" is haunted by the thousands of

Chile Dams Its Rivers to Unleash Its Economy
[TIME] - In 1989, for example, when then military dictator General Augusto Pinochet privatized Endesa just a year before he stepped down from power, he gave the company a parting gift of the lion's share of Chile's water rights. Such anti-competitive dealings

Google News: The royals... making a claim on Crown Estate cash

[John O'Groat Journal] - Mr Allbritton is CEO of Riggs Bank and in the 1960s he and his bank were very chummy with the Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, opening numerous bank accounts for the despot and, one would imagine, lending him his private jet from time to time for

Google News: Carmen Aguirre's Something Fierce recalls courage and dread in Pinochet-era Chile

[] - The first momentous event was in 1973, when General Augusto Pinochet's coup forced her family to flee Chile for Canada. But then, six years later, her mother and stepfather decided to take and her younger sister away from their comfortable school life

Google News: Roads to freedom

[Coast Report] - Orange Coast College students may learn about the horrors of the Vietnam War in a history class, or about the rule of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet in a political science class, but two of the college's instructors actually lived through

Google News: Spanish judge says probes have ruined his career

[Reuters AlertNet] - Garzon, who won fame for trying to extradite former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, faces three separate cases in the Supreme Court over his investigations into corruption and into human rights abuses during Spain's 40-year dictatorship.

All web results to the name "Augusto Pinochet"
