Network Profiles Corrina Gibbs

(1 - 24 from 31

Profit to loss: The costly alternative to CFE - Farmers Weekly
It's crunch time for the Campaign for the Farmed Environment. Postal surveys have been sent to randomly-selected farmers and land managers, and these

Farm of the Week: Planting the seed, reaping the harvest | Yorkshire...
Campaign organiser Corrina Gibbs said: “It would not be fair, and we are pressing Defra for a commitment that it will not happen. Meanwhile ...

Back Reveal green measures, farmers told 25 November ...
"Information will be used to determine the level of voluntary activity already being carried out," said campaign co-ordinator Corrina Gibbs.

Every acre counts | Evesham Journal
CFE co-ordinator Corrina Gibbs said almost every farm had some unproductive areas which were ideal for putting in place campaign voluntary ...