News Dean Baker

(1 - 30 from 92

Does President Obama Want to Cut Social Security by 3 Percent?
[OpEdNews] for the quality of their work. Dr. Dean Baker is a macroeconomist and Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C. He previously worked as a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute and an assistant (more

Google News: Dean Baker and Ted Boettner: Deficit reduction, Wall Street, and whales

[Charleston Gazette] - Dean Baker and Ted Boettner: Deficit reduction, Wall Street, and whales. Last week, Sen. Manchin hosted the co-chairs of the federal deficit commission to discuss their draft proposal for deficit reduction. Sen. Manchin should be commended for bringing

Google News: Five So-Called Liberal Pundits Who Are Attacking Teachers

[Truth-Out] - As economist Dean Baker pointed out, "The main determinants of childrens' performance continues to be the socioeconomic conditions of their parents. Those unwilling to take the steps necessary to address the latter (e.g. promote full employment) are

Google News: L'iPhone 5 offrira-t-il un sursaut de croissance aux Etats-Unis ?

[] - Cette baisse des autres ventes doit également être prise en compte dans calcul du PIB américain", nuance ainsi Dean Baker, économiste au Center for Economic and Policy Research de Washington (Centre pour la recherche économique), et cité par

Google News: O iPhone 5 pode aquecer a economia americana?

[RFI] - Mas não é todo mundo que concorda com Feroli: Dean Baker, do Centro de Pesquisa Econômica de Washington, acha que a projeção não leva em consideração o possível impacto negativo do lançamento do iPhone 5 sobre as vendas de outros fabricantes

[东方财富网] - 贝克(Dean Baker)称,费罗利在分析中作出的假设令人怀疑,即苹果发布iPhone 5不会对其他手机的销售造成影响。 他指出:“很明显,无论苹果在第四季度中是否会推出新款手机,(费罗利预计的)800万人中都有一部分原本就会

[香港新浪網] 估計為美國去年第4季GDP帶來0.1至0.2個百分點的增長,預料新iPhone銷情更強勁。但經濟和政策研究中心主任貝克(Dean Baker)質疑,費羅利沒考慮新iPhone對其他手機的銷情影響。經濟學家亦未評估新iPhone用戶沉溺於新機及新apps而對生產力造成的影響。

iPhone 5單騎救“美”:各路人馬蠢蠢欲動
[臺灣新浪網] - 貝克爾(Dean Baker)認為,費羅利分析中作出的假設令人懷疑,即苹果發布iPhone5不會對其他手機的銷售造成影響。“很明顯,無論苹果在第四季度中是否推出新手機,(費羅利預計的)800萬人中都有一部分人原本就要購買手機。” 不容有失的發布會. 撇開GDP不談,

Mener Iphone kan løfte hele USAs økonomi
[Dagens it] - Matematikken stemmer kanskje, men regnestykket bygger på en forutsetning som neppe stemmer, mener Dean Baker, direktør i Center for Economic and Policy Research, Dean Baker. - Det er klart at noen av de 8 millionene ville ha kjøpt en telefon i fjerde

RPT-COLUMN-A tale of two healthcare plans: David Cay Johnston
[Reuters] - We know how Ryan's plan would raise total costs because David Rosnick and Dean Baker, economists at the Center for Economic Policy and Research which promotes government policies that it says would benefit workers and the poor, used the same

CNBC's Joe Kernen Calls Paul Krugman a Communist
[NewsBusters (blog)] - "This is nonsense," Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, wrote in an e-mail. "These prices have been moving largely in response to real conditions of supply and demand (e.g. the Libyan civil war raised oil prices by

[] - Dean Baker, Head of Wasserman's boxing division, said of the signing: “David is one of the most exciting heavyweight fighters in boxing and we're delighted to welcome him to Wasserman. We believe that David will prove a genuine threat to the Klitschko

摩根大通:iPhone 5或助美国提升32亿美元GDP
[新华网] - 经济和政策研究中心(Center for Economic and Policy Research)联席主任迪恩·贝克尔(Dean Baker)称,费罗利在分析中作出的假设令人怀疑,即苹果发布iPhone 5不会对其他手机的销售造成影响。他指出:“很明显,无论苹果

摩根大通:iPhone 5或助美國提升32億美元GDP
[鉅亨網] - 經濟和政策研究中心(Center for Economic and Policy Research)聯席主任迪恩·貝克爾(Dean Baker)稱,費羅利在分析中作出的假設令人懷疑,即蘋果發布iPhone 5不會對其他手機的銷售造成影響。他指出:“很明顯,無論蘋果在第四季度中是否會推出新款手機,(費羅

CNBC Host Joe Kernen: Paul Krugman Is A Communist
[Huffington Post] - Burnett moved to CNN from CNBC last year. "They quoted Paul Krugman and this other idiot, Dean Baker, who's some guy, I don't even know who he is, he always writes for The Huffington Post. Basically co-communists in a lot of different economic circles

Google News: The Lethargic Universe – The Energy Report

[Inside Futures] - “This is nonsense,” Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, wrote in an e-mail. “These prices have been moving largely in response to real conditions of supply and demand (e.g. the Libyan civil war raised oil prices by

分析称iPhone 5可促使美国GDP增长0.5%
[中国通信网] - 但是,他表示来自去年iPhone 4S发布的证据似乎支持这个预测,估计iPhone 4S可能给2011年第四季度增加0.1%至0.2%的GDP增长。 华盛顿经济和政策研究中心(CEPR)联席主任.迪恩·贝克(Dean Baker)表示,费罗利的分析具有值

Google News: Is The 'Better Off' Question The Right One?

[WBUR] - Doug, welcome to the program to you. DOUGLAS HOLTZ-EAKIN: Pleasure to be here. Thank you. RAZ: Dean Baker, let's start with you. This question, are we better off than we were four years ago, you actually recently argued that this is the wrong question

Did Citigroup Defraud Billions from US Ally Abu Dhabi?
[Truth-Out] - Related Stories. Shareholders Say No to Citigroup CEO Pay: A Model for Fighting Crony Capitalism. By Dean Baker, Truthout | News Analysis. Show Comments. Hide Comments. View the discussion thread. blog comments powered by Disqus · back to top

Erin Burnett Makes False Claims About Federal Reserve (VIDEO)
[Huffington Post] - "This is nonsense," Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, wrote in an e-mail. "These prices have been moving largely in response to real conditions of supply and demand (e.g. the Libyan civil war raised oil prices by

Sunday Dialogue: The Benefits Trade-Off
[New York Times] - DEAN BAKER Co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research Washington, Sept. 5, Currently, individuals earning more than $110,100 do not pay Social Security taxes on income above that amount. Most poor and middle-class families pay 6.2

Google News: Dean Baker, CEPR: Economy Generates Jobs in August, Unemployment ...

[YubaNet (press release)] - September 7, The economy added 96,000 jobs in August, roughly the pace needed to keep even with the growth of the labor force. The jobs numbers for June and July were also both revised down by roughly 20,000 bringing the three month average

Google News: Seven Ways to End the Deficit (Without Throwing Grandma Under the Bus)

[Truth-Out] most recently, of Development Redefined: How the Market Met Its Match (with Robin Broad). Related Stories. Deficit Reduction: The Great Distraction. By Dean Baker, Truthout | News Analysis. Show Comments. Hide Comments. View the discussion thread.

Google News: Romney vs Obama

[La Opinión] - Hasta que consigamos que la economía se recupere y empiece a crear los millones de puestos de trabajo que se necesitan, las cifras de la pobreza seguirán siendo horribles" (Dean Baker,The Huffington Post). El presidente Barack Obama sostuvo que la

Romney's Success at Bain Capital: The Business as Scam Model
[OpEdNews] when it goes to vote this fall. Dr. Dean Baker is a macroeconomist and Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C. He previously worked as a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute and an assistant (more

Google News: Are You Better Off? Here Are the Numbers

[] - In a blog post, liberal economist Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research wrote that the question is now pointless: “Suppose your house is on fire and the firefighters race to the scene. They set up their hoses and start spraying

The GOP Platform's 12 Faultiest Claims
[Huffington Post] the most by stimulating job growth and making it easier for debtors to pay off their debt, according to Dean Baker, co-director of

The Romney Definition Of Rich
[Huffington Post] the most by stimulating job growth and making it easier for debtors to pay off their debt, according to Dean Baker, co-director of

The Record: Letters, Sept. 4, 2012
[] - Dean Baker, an economist and co-director of the Center for Economic Policy Research, notes that "of the 6.1 million people who lost jobs from through 2011, only 15 percent have found new ones with equal or higher pay." In another account, the

Google News: Le Monde Diplomatique (septembre 2012)

[Le Grand] - Selon Dean Baker, il existe des causes négligées de la crise américaine : « Les États-Unis se plaignent souvent de la concurrence industrielle des pays d'Asie. Ils oublient qu'en 1997, quand la crise financière a ébranlé cette région du monde, ils lui

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