News Dorjee Gyalpo

(1 - 23 from 26

Tibetans end hunger strike after 'assurances' from UN
[Hindustan Times] - Rinpoche, 32, Dorjee Gyalpo, 59, and Yeshi Tenzing, 39, had been on a hunger strike since February 22 to draw the attention of the UN towards the suffering of the Tibetan people under Chinese occupation. Gyalpo was taken to a hospital a few days ago

Hunger strikers end fast on 30th day after UN promises to send ...
[Phayul] - The third hunger striker, Dorjee Gyalpo, who was forcibly removed by city medical and security officials to a hospital on Monday, but had continued to fast, also accepted the UN assurances. The letter from Pillay said that the rights chief had

聯國官員探望 藏人停止絕食
[世界日報] - 聯合國人權事務秘書長的特別顧問貝內特(Richard Bennett)20日帶同高級專員皮萊(Navi Pillay)的信去探望西藏絕食者香薩仁波切(Shingza Rinpoche)及也是丹增(Yeshi Tenzing),第三名絕食者多傑嘉波(Dorjee Gyalpo)在絕食第27天被強行送醫治療,但在醫院繼續絕食至昨日。

Tibetan Hunger Strike Ends with UN Letter
[Voice of America] - A third hunger striker, Dorjee Gyalpo, who was in deteriorating health, was forcibly removed by New York City police on Monday and continued his fast in a local hospital until he was informed the hunger strike had ended. Tsewang Rigzin, President of

Tibetan Activist Stages Hunger Strike From NY Hospital
[Voice of America] - The Tibetan Youth Congress said in a press release that Tibetan-American Dorjee Gyalpo was forced by police to seek medical care late Monday after he was unable to stand up on the 27th day of his hunger strike. Gyalpo and two other Tibetan activists

Aktivis Tibet Lanjutkan Mogok Makan di Rumah Sakit New York
[VOA Indonesia] - Tibetan Youth Congress mengatakan dalam sebuah press rilis bahwa Dorjee Gyalpo warga Amerika kelahiran Tibet dipaksa polisi mendapat perawatan medis Senin malam setelah ia tidak mampu berdiri pada hari ke 27 mogok makannya. Gyalpo dan dua aktivis Tibet

Hunger Strikers Unite For Tibet
[NYCity News Service] - By Gwendolyn McClure | March 19th, | Print QUIET DEMONSTRATION: Dorjee Gyalpo has lost more than 20 pounds since beginning a hunger strike in front of the United Nations in February. With his legs extended on the cot beneath him and hands resting

Google News: UN Secretary-General reacts to Tibetan hunger strikers in New York

[Tibetan Culture & News Online] - The three hunger strikers are Dorjee Gyalpo, Shingza Rinpoche and Yeshi Tenzing (brief bio-sketches below). The hunger strikers are appealing to the United Nations to take the following actions: Urge China Stop 'Patriotic Re-Education' campaigns in

Google News: Tibetan Hunger Strike Reaches 21 Days

[The Epoch Times] - (Amal Chen/The Epoch Times) NEW YORK—Dorjee Gyalpo, 59, sat with his daughter in front of the United Nations headquarters on Tuesday, reminiscing about summer days in his hometown in Tibet. The landscape has changed under Chinese communist rule.

Tibetans on Hunger Strike Demand UN Action
[Voice of America] - Dorjee Gyalpo, a 69-year old Tibetan-American who lives in the US state of Minnesota, says in a weak voice that he is willing to sacrifice his life to achieve these goals and is urging the United Nations to intervene to help improve the human rights

Tây Tạng: 3 người tuyệt thực yêu cầu Liên Hiệp Quốc hành động
[VOA Tiếng Việt] - Ông Dorjee Gyalpo, 69 tuổi, người Mỹ gốc Tây Tạng cư ngụ tại bang Minnesota, nói bằng giọng yếu ớt rằng ông sẵn sàng hy sinh mạng sống để hoàn thành mục tiêu. Ông nói thêm là không hề có nhân quyền cơ bản tại quê hương ông, và để thay đổi điều đó ông

Google News: Tibetan Hunger Strike Reaches Day 15

[The Epoch Times] - By Tara MacIsaac On the 15th day of their indefinite hunger strike, (R to L) Dorjee Gyalpo, His Eminence 11 Shingza Rinpoche, and Yeshi Tenzin, are asking the UN to take immediate action to make China comply with the “principles of justice and

Yeshi Tenzing, foreground in blue, Tenzin Choeki Gyalsen Yahoo!
Dorjee Gyalpo sit in their encampment across the street from the ...

Indefinite Fast | The New Yorker
Tenzin said that he passed the days staring into the windows of the U.N., trying to will the officials there to help his people...

Tibetan hunger striker forced to hospital by NYPD - Tibet post...
Tibet post International

Tibetans end hunger strike outside UN, 1 month after it ...
The third, Dorjee Gyalpo, 69, had been forcefully removed from the protest site three days earlier by police when he couldn't stand up when asked to do so by officers.

Campus Community Invited to Faculty and Staff Years-of-Service...
The campus will celebrate faculty and staff years-of-service anniversaries – ranging from five to 40 years – with the University of St. Thomas from 3:30 to 5...

RSN FEATURE: Tibet Under Siege >> Four Winds Truth Winds
March 30, 2012t is now very obvious to the world community: something is very wrong and very bad in Tibet to make these peaceful monks and nuns set themselves...

Tibet Dalai Lama News » » Marzo
Dorjee Gyalpo, cinquantanove anni, il digiunatore ricoverato in ospedale di Dorjee Gyalpo resistendo alla polizia e bloccando l'ambulanza, ...

Tibet Dalai Lama News » » February
I tre digiunatori: Shingza Rinpoche, 32 anni – un lama di alto rango che da tempo si batte per la libertà del Tibet, Dorjee Gyalpo, 59 anni - un tibetano residente ...

Tibet Dalai Lama News » Blog Archive » Ricoverato in ospedale ...
Dorjee Gyalpo, cinquantanove anni, il digiunatore ricoverato in ospedale. Nel pomeriggio di oggi 19 marzo, 27° giorno dello sciopero della fame iniziato il 22 febbraio da tre attivisti tibetani davanti al palazzo delle Nazioni ...

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