News Ezequiel A. García

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Google News: 危急时刻制止暴力滥杀 美华裔探员被媒体赞为英雄

[新浪网] - 根据未经移民局证实的消息,当天案发时,死者贾西亚(Ezequiel Garcia)在与主管柯萨克(Kevin Kozak)讨论有关他的表现,且涉及针对他的申诫处分,胡志峰原来也在现场担任证人,这个模式在移民局属常态。该案目前由联邦调

危急時刻制止暴力濫殺 美華裔探員被媒體讚為英雄
[新華網] - 根據未經移民局證實的消息,當天案發時,死者賈西亞(Ezequiel Garcia)在與主管柯薩克(Kevin Kozak)討論有關他的表現,且涉及針對他的申誡處分,胡志峰原來也在現場擔任證人,這個模式在移民局屬常態。該案目前由聯邦調查局調查中。

危急时刻制止暴力滥杀 美华裔探员被媒体赞为英雄
[新民网] - 根据未经移民局证实的消息,当天案发时,死者贾西亚(Ezequiel Garcia)在与主管柯萨克(Kevin Kozak)讨论有关他的表现,且涉及针对他的申诫处分,胡志峰原来也在现场担任证人,这个模式在移民局属常态。该案目前由联邦调

移民局 槍殺血案情節曝光
[世界日報] - 移民與海關執法局發言人凱絲(Virginia Kice)表示,有主管身分的探員賈西亞(Ezequiel Garcia)與該局洛杉磯國內安全調查處(Homeland Security Investigations, HSI)副處長柯薩克(Kevin Kozak)討論有關他的工作表現後發生槍擊。 也參與工作表現討論的另一名主管剛離開

Google News: Tres jóvenes de Puerto Madryn se accidentaron cerca de Río Colorado

[Diario Jornada] - Se trata de Esteban Ezequiel García; Carina Provenciano; y Pablo Javier Ancede, que sufrieron heridas leves. El Polo volcado a la vera de la ruta 22. (Foto: Diario Río Negro) El cruce que une las rutas nacionales 22 y 251 fue escenario de un nuevo

制止濫殺 韓裔探員成英雄
[世界日報] - 45歲的主管賈西亞(Ezequiel Garcia)與長官柯薩克(Kevin Kozak)討論其工作表現時突然對柯薩克開槍,也是主管的禹培瑞即時出手制止,並槍殺賈西亞。 移民與海關執法局(Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE)洛杉磯國內安全調查處長阿諾(Claude Arnold)說,禹培瑞的

Pope sets Oct. 21 to canonize Americans
[Youngstown Vindicator] - The shooting Thursday happened after Ezequiel Garcia had a discussion about his job performance with ICE's second-in-command in the Los Angeles region, agency spokeswoman Virginia Kice said. Another agent who attended the meeting had just left the

Google News: ICE agent was fatally shot during struggle for gun

[Review seeker (press release)] at least six times in Long Beach, Calif., died after an intense struggle for his gun with another agent. ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice said Saturday that Ezequiel Garcia struggled for the gun after shooting the agency's Los Angeles-area second-in-.

Missouri a leader in flu this season
[] - Authorities identified the shooter as Ezequiel Garcia, 45, a supervisory agent, who was shot to death by another supervisor in the office after wounding Kozak. Dioxin levels low, EPA says • A long-awaited federal study on the health effects of dioxins

Tax present for 160M wage-earners
[Youngstown Vindicator] - The confrontation apparently began during a discussion involving Kevin Kozak, the agency's second-in-command for the Los Angeles area, and a lower-ranking supervisor agent named Ezequiel Garcia. At some point, the discussion escalated

Google News: Calif ICE gunman opened fire at job counseling

[Review seeker (press release)] agent was being counseled on his performance by a high-ranking ICE official, the FBI said Friday. Authorities identified the gunman as supervisory special agent Ezequiel Garcia, 45, and the victim as Kevin Kozak, 51, deputy special agent in charge.

Xi promotes trade in LA
[Pittsburgh Post Gazette] - Authorities identified the shooter as Ezequiel Garcia, 45, a supervisory agent, who was shot to death by another supervisor in the office after wounding Agent Kozak. Federal health officials say they still have safety concerns about experimental diet

Midgets: En Vila ganó Mariano Bacci
[] - En la Final B, el ganador fue José Kunz, mientras que en la Final A se impuso Mariano Bacci, seguido por Ezequiel García y Ariel Gagliardo. El último campeón Guillermo Bogetto terminó 4º en la fiinal B, mientras que Cristian Molardo fue recargado y no

Google News: Sin alcanzar una regularidad terminó empatando

[Noticias Mercedinas] - Juventud 2: Santiago Robledo, martín Carretto, Ezequiel Bondanza, Martín Moras, Victorino Caravallo, Ezequiel García, Diego Gallardo, Joaquín Sosa, Luis Lawler, Matías Sánchez y Neri Boquín. DT: Miguel Aranda. Club Mercedes 2: Ramiro Herrera

Clown en el Conti. 3º Edición - Alternativa Teatral
Participan: Yanina Frankel, Valeria Maldonado, Marina Barbera, Gabriel Cohan, Gabriel Chamé Buendia, Lautaro Nahuel Sandoval, Ezequiel A. Garcia Faura, ... › e...

Ficha de la empresa EZEQUIEL A. GARCIA CUELLO -
Ficha de la empresa EZEQUIEL A. GARCIA CUELLO

Ezequiel Garcia - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times
Latest news and commentary on Ezequiel Garcia including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.

El legado de ‘El Brujo’ de los vinos | EL PAÍS Semanal
El legado de ‘El Brujo’ de los vinos.

2 INS Agents Sue LAPD Over Arrest - Los Angeles Times
Rampart: They say they were roughed up even after identifying selves. Police official says probe is underway.

Ezequiel Garcia, The Homicide Report - Los Angeles Times
Ezequiel Garcia, a 45-year-old Latino, was fatally shot by a supervisor with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency on Thursday, Feb. 16, in the...

All web results to the name "Ezequiel A. García"
