News Frank Pinter

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Co$t To Response
[KMAS] - According to the Sheriff's Information Officer Dean Byrd and Finance Manger Frank Pinter, the cost to respond to a single alarm is estimated at $1 per mile (includes the car, gasoline, and maintenance costs) with a conservative average of 20 miles per

The Natives are restless! MCC Meeting Apr 3
[KMAS] - Frank Pinter identified the actual the budget was not actually cut until after the money had already been spent. Commissioner Tim Sheldon stated he is into writing the best budget for the citizens, and we all need to be involved in writing a good

Sheriff's Budget Shortfall
[KMAS] - Mason County Sheriff's Department Finance Manager Frank Pinter says there are ways to get the money, but they're not pretty, “There is three tenths of a 1 % tax that can be proposed to the public, and in addition there are levy shifts which would take

Frank Pinter's Station Notice -
Clipping found in The Akron Beacon Journal in Akron, Summit, Ohio, United States of America on Aug 12, Frank Pinter's Station Notice Pvt. Frank Pinter of ...

E-Sport: Ein Vereinsheim für Gamer |
In Köln hat ein Computerspieler-Clan ein Vereinsheim eröffnet - das erste seiner Art. Motto: E-Sportler sind auch nur Sportler. Unterstützt wird das Proje...

FOCUS: Computer: Hilfe für Eltern von computersüchtigen Kinder - FOCUS Online

Wenn die besten Freunde des Sprösslings Blutelfen, Trolle und Orcs sind, machen sich viele Eltern Sorgen. Denn ihr Kind spielt „World of Warcraft“ am Computer....

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