Network Profiles Hussein Obama

(1 - 50 from 81

Obama says Kenya trip is 'personal': 'There's a reason my name is...
President Obama became the first sitting U.S. president to visit Kenya on Friday, returning to the home of his ancestors to address economic development,...

Lyrics: Songs About President Obama | Fox News
The following are the lyrics of two songs reportedly taught to a class at a New Jersey elementary school full of praises for the great accomplishments of...

Guardian: Goodbye, Barack Hussein Obama: America's first 'Muslim president' | Wajahat Ali | Opinion | The Guardian

Jan 17, · Goodbye, Barack Hussein Obama: America's first 'Muslim president' This article is more than 4 years old. Wajahat Ali. Nearly a third of Americans thought he …

Barack Hussein Obama and the Muslim World | To the Point | KCRW
In Turkey today, President Obama is making good on his promise to reach out to the Muslim world.  We hear about Turkey's importance as a strategic ally and a...
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