Jalal Talabani and Kurdistan Free People Check 

( I'm Jalal Talabani)
(1 - 9 from 15

derstandard.at: Araber und Turkmenen beklagen Vertreibungskampagne

[derStandard.at] - Rifaat Abdullah, führender Funktionär der Patriotischen Union Kurdistans (PUK) des irakischen Staatspräsidenten Jalal Talabani, bestritt diese Vorwürfe.

Google News: The Superpowers and Iraqi Kurds: Ruling Experiment ( )

[Kurdish Globe] including members of Mr. Barzani's Kurdistan Democratic Party, as well as a rival faction, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, headed by Jalal Talabani.

L'Iraq ancora senza un governo

[Il Post] a maggioranza curda: il Partito Democratico del Kurdistan e l'Unione Patriottica del Kurdistan, guidati dall'attuale presidente iracheno Jalal Talabani.

Google News: Ammar al Hakim, US amb. discuss means to speed up govt. formation

[ABNA.ir] of Iraqi Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barazani and Iraqi President Jalal Talabani as well as a number of Kurdish Islamic parties with 57 seats.