News Liu Xiaobo

(1 - 30 from 161

Google News: Study: Political content on Weibo often censored

[ZDNet Asia] - These terms included Falun Gong, a movement banned by the Chinese government, human rights activists Ai Wei Wei and Liu Xiaobo, and Lianghui, a term which referred to a joint meeting of China's parliament and political advisory body.

AUSSENTEMPERATUR - Die Chinesen kommen
[Märkische Allgemeine] - Die Großzügigkeit zahlt sich aus: Als der Dissident Liu Xiaobo den Friedensnobelpreis bekam, blieb Serbien auf einen Wink aus Pe- king der Zeremonie fern. Aber die Investitionen zahlen sich vor allem wirtschaftlich aus.

HRW Calls China To Drop Move To Legalize Incommunicado Detentions
[RTT News] - In recent years, the police have increasingly resorted to secret detention of government critics, including the artist Ai Weiwei, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, and human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng. These detentions are … under Chinese

20 mars – En dag för Liu Xiaobo
[MyNewsdesk (pressmeddelande)] - Akademibokhandeln är Sveriges marknadsledande bokhandelskedja med 66 butiker spridda över hela landet. Bolaget har ca 460 medarbetare och omsätter ca 1,4 miljarder kr (2011). 20 mars - En dag för Liu Xiaobo.

Google News: Entre surveillance et filtrage, la brèche ténue des net-citoyens

[Categorynet (Blog)] - Le prix Nobel de la Paix Liu Xiaobo est toujours derrière les barreaux. L'Egypte a connu son premier prisonnier politique de l'ère post-Moubarak, le blogueur Maikel Nabil Sanad, condamné pour ses critiques de l'armée. Par ailleurs, les assignations à

2011 'most repressive year' for rights in China
[Khaleej Times] - Rights groups said both men had signed Charter 08, a bold manifesto for democracy co-authored by Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who was jailed for 11 years for subversion on Christmas Day “Lengthy prison sentences handed out in

The Syracuse (NY) Post-Standard: The communist regime in China may think it ...
[Youngstown Vindicator] the most provocative book of its kind to have appeared in years.” Yu, still only 38, is a close ally of Liu Xiaobo, the dissident writer and leader who was sentenced to 11 years in prison in — and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize the following year.

2011 'most repressive year' for rights in China
[The West Australian] - Rights groups said both men had signed Charter 08, a bold manifesto for democracy co-authored by Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who was jailed for 11 years for subversion on Christmas Day "Lengthy prison sentences handed out in

Nobel Foundation rejects Peace Prize picks criticism
[StarPhoenix] - By Nina Larson, Agence France-Presse March 9, The Nobel Foundation is rejecting criticism it has strayed from the original intention of the Peace Prize by giving it to people such as US President Barack Obama and Liu Xiaobo.

"Chinas kleine Verfassung" überzeugt die Menschen nicht
[Welt Online] aller Kritik Paroli bieten: Opfer von politisch motivierter Willkür, bei der sich die Polizei auf ihre eigenen Ermächtigungsverordnungen stützen musste, wurde früher etwa der bekannte politische Häftling und Friedensnobelpreisträger Liu Xiaobo.

China Targets Detention Practices That Have Left Families in the Dark
[Wall Street Journal] - And Liu Xia, the wife of Liu Xiaobo, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010, is still under effective house arrest at her apartment in Beijing despite never having been formally arrested or charged, let alone convicted of any crime, according to her

2011 'most repressive year' for rights in China
[MSN Philippines News] - Rights groups said both men had signed Charter 08, a bold manifesto for democracy co-authored by Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who was jailed for 11 years for subversion on Christmas Day "Lengthy prison sentences handed out in

i går Kina, USA og Ap
[Dagens Næringsliv] - Artikkelen er åpenbart et ledd i kronikkdiplomatiet og et forsøk på å finne nåde hos kinesiske myndigheter etter at Nobels fredspris for halvannet år siden ble gitt til den kinesiske opposisjonelle Liu Xiaobo. Johansen skriver at både Kina og USA skal

Nobel peace prize puts up a fight
[Courier Mail] - Voice of dissent: The Nobel Foundation is facing criticism for awarding the Peace Prize to activists like winner Liu Xiaobo, above. Picture: AP Source: AP THE Nobel Foundation yesterday rejected criticism of its recent choices for the Peace Prize.

Google News: What words get you censored in China?

[TG Daily] - Some of the worst-offending names include Falun Gong, a spiritual movement banned by the Chinese government, and human rights activists Ai Weiwei and Liu Xiaobo. Others are less obvious: 'lianghui', a term that normally refers to a joint meeting of

Nobel Foundation rejects Peace Prize picks criticism
[Ottawa Citizen] - The Nobel Foundation is rejecting criticism it has strayed from the original intention of the Peace Prize by awarding it to people including Obama and Liu Xiaobo. STOCKHOLM - The Nobel Foundation, which administrates the prestigious prizes in line with

Google News: Nobelio fondas atmeta kritiką dėl Taikos premijos laureatų

[Vakarų ekspresas] - Kritikui taip pat kliūva Taikos premijos skyrimas kinų disidentui Liu Siaobo (Liu Xiaobo) ar Motinai Teresei. Tačiau Stokholme veikiantis Nobelio fondas pabrėžia, kad A. Nobelis norėjo, jog įvairių sričių premijų komitetai, priimdami sprendimus

Google News: Beijing fires back: “Liu Xiaobo committed crimes against the state”

[UN Watch (press release)] - Accordingly, would you contemplate submitting legal briefs to the Egyptian court where NGO human rights defenders are currently being prosecuted; in the Chinese court that can free jailed Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo; and in the Pakistani court that has

First large-scale analysis of 'soft' censorship of social media in China
[] online censorship is highly developed, the researchers found that oft-censored terms included well-known hot buttons, such as Falun Gong, a spiritual movement banned by the Chinese government, and human rights activists Ai Weiwei and Liu Xiaobo.

Google News: Chinese Firewall's most blocked terms

[Australian Techworld] - Researchers found that the names Ai Weiwei and Liu Xiaobo, two Chinese political protesters, as well as the term Linagui, which is a code term for planned protests, are blocked on Chinese websites and microblogs called weibos at high rates.

Google News: A sampling of editorials from around New York

[NECN] - Yu, still only 38, is a close ally of Liu Xiaobo, the dissident writer and leader who was sentenced to 11 years in prison in — and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize the following year. Shortly after that, Yu was placed under house arrest

Google News: Kreativitás nélkül nem lesz "kínai Steve Jobs"

[Metropol] - A gondot tükrözi többek közt az is, hogy az ország Nobel-díjasai közt a jelenleg 11 éves börtönbüntetését töltő Liu Hsziao-pon (Liu Xiaobo) kívül egyetlen főt sem találni, aki az elismerés odaítélésének idején az ország területén élt.

Chinese Firewall's most blocked terms
[Computerworld New Zealand] - Researchers found that the names Ai Weiwei and Liu Xiaobo, two Chinese political protesters, as well as the term Linagui, which is a code term for planned protests, are blocked on Chinese websites and microblogs called weibos at high rates.

Google News: Tibet braucht Hilfe - AK-Kurier

[Internetzeitung für den Kreis Altenkirchen] - Er ist durch sein Buch "Der Freiheit geopfert - Die Biografie des Friedensnobelpreisträgers Liu Xiaobo" bekannt geworden, das er anlässlich der Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises an den inhaftierten Liu Xiaobo veröffentlichte.

Wikipedia-Gründer über kostenfreie Informationen
[RP ONLINE] - Zum Thema Zensur nannte er als Beispiel China, wo Wikipedia inzwischen im Prinzip frei zugänglich sei – ausgenommen die dort verbotenen Themen wie Liu Xiaobo und Ai Weiwei oder Tibet und Taiwan. Er betonte die Bedeutung des Urheberrechts auch für

Kiinan omatunto
[Lapin Kansa] - Liu Xiaobo syntyi joulukuussa akateemiseen perheeseen viidestä veljeksestä kolmanneksi vanhimpana. Kiinan kulttuurivallankumous osui hänen herkimpiin nuoruusvuosiinsa vaikuttaen koko hänen elämäänsä. Perinteinen alistamisen ja kuuliaisuuden Kiina jakaa menolippuja helvettiin

[Helsingin Sanomat] - Esimerkiksi Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon voittanut Liu Xiaobo pysyy edelleen vankilassa kärsimässä 11 vuoden vankeustuomiota demokratiauudistusten vaatimisesta. Myös muille kiinalaisille toisinajattelijoille on annettu hiljattain vastaavia vankeustuomioita

A Chinese Scholar, Summoned for Tea
[New York Times (blog)] - By MARK MCDONALD | March 4, 2012, 10:56 pm HONG KONG — The Chinese security apparatus has shown itself to be remarkably adept at chasing down artists (Ai Weiwei), putting bloggers under house arrest (Woeser) and locking up Nobel laureates (Liu Xiaobo).

Dichterin Xu Pei Kritik an Chinas Führung
[Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger] - In China droht Xu Gefängnis, in Köln schreckt sie vor niemandem zurück: So attackiert sie Friedensnobelpreisträger Liu Xiaobo, der ein Jahr … inhaftiert war und sich danach öffentlich dafür aussprach, dem KP-Regime zu vergeben.

Google News: 'Policing the Minds'

[National Review Online (blog)] - I think of the imprisoned Nobel peace laureate, Liu Xiaobo, and the house arrest of his wife, Liu Xia. I'd like to publish two notes, from two distinctive and regular readers, Alex Bensky and Jack Jolis. Bensky, after speaking of self-criticism

All web results to the name "Liu Xiaobo"
