Malia Obama and President Barack Free People Check 

( I'm Malia Obama)
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Google News: President Barack Obama and Family Arrive in Rome

[The Gossip Girls] - Joined by his wife Michelle and daughters Sasha and Malia, Obama looked excited to be in the beautiful Italian city as he stepped off Air Force One.

Malia Obama to attend Harvard after gap year - CNNPolitics
· Video indlejret · Malia Obama, the oldest of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama's two daughters, will attend college at in the fall.

What is Malia Obama smoking? President's daughter suspected of...
Malia Obama, the 18-year-old daughter of President Barack Obama has been spotted smoking what some suspected was a cannabis joint.

Durham Teen Asks Malia Obama to Prom Through Online Video
A high school student from Durham is reaching for the stars this year for prom-- asking President Barack Obama's daughter, Malia, to be his date. It is unclear...