Chavez predicts big win in Venezuela election
[Reuters] - CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez forecast he would win October's election with more than 60 percent of the vote after a new poll
Chavez predicts big win in Venezuela election
[Reuters Africa] - CARACAS, June 19 (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez forecast he would win October's election with more than 60 percent of the vote after a new
Venezuelan Government Finalises Nationalisation of Steel Company
[] - Mérida, June 19th ( – President Hugo Chavez approved funds yesterday to finalise the nationalisation of Sidetur (Siderurgica del
Google News: Gobierno no descarta que Chávez solicite nuevos poderes para ...
[Univisión] - El vicepresidente Elías Jaua, dijo que el presidente Hugo Chávez, puede volver a solicitar poderes especiales para legislar 'en cualquier momento'.
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