Twitter Posts: Rafael Bastidas (RafaelBastidas7)
@PDVSALaEstancia "AL COMANDANTE", sabroso joropo en la voz de MAYRA CASTELLANOS, dedicado al Presidente HUGO CHAVEZ.
Wikiquote Quotes: Hugo Chavez
"En nähnyt mitään kylttiä, katsoin vain naista." - Kommentti Evangelina Carrozzon vähäpukeiseen mielenilmaukseen Euroopan unioni–Karibia–Latinalainen Amerikka -kokouksessa Wienissä 12. toukokuuta
Wikiquote Quotes: Hugo Chavez
"Man muss sich aber daran erinnern, dass Bush keine Schuhe auf das irakische Volk geworfen hat, sondern Bomben, Tod und Zerstörung." - 'Schuhe statt Bomben; gemeint ist der Schuhwurf auf George W. Bush während eines Besuchs im Irak im Jahr 2008
Wikiquote Quotes: Hugo Chavez
Before anything else I would like to say good day to all of the Venezuelan people, and this Boliviarian message is directed to the brave soldiers in the Parachutist Regimen of Aragua and the Armed Brigade of Valencia. Friends: For now, lamentably, the objectives we considered were not achieved in the capital. That is to say, we here in Caracas have not managed to take power. You did very well over there, but now is the time to reflect; new situations will come and the country must definitively get on the path to a better destiny. So hear my word; hear Commander Chávez, who sends you this message so that you may please reflect and put down your weapons, because now, really, the objectives that we have brought to the national level are impossible to achieve. Friends: Hear this message of solidarity. I thank you for your loyalty, your valor, your exuberance, and I, before this country and before you all, assume responsibility for this Boliviarian militant movement. Thank you. - Hugo Chávez to Venezuelan television reporters just before being arrested for his participation in an attempted coup d'état, February
Chavez Too Chicken to Debate Rival
[Dallas Blog (blog)] - President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela loves to talk about his days as a paratrooper and considers himself the South American fighter for the Marxist Movement
Twitter Posts: Rafael Bastidas (RafaelBastidas7)
@la_iguanatv "AL COMANDANTE", sabroso joropo en la voz de MAYRA CASTELLANOS, dedicado al Presidente HUGO CHAVEZ.
Wikiquote Quotes: Hugo Chavez
Simón Bolívar, padre della nostra Patria e guida della nostra Rivoluzione, giurò di non dare riposo alle sue braccia, né dare riposo alla sua anima, fino a vedere l'America libera. Noi non daremo riposo alle nostre braccia, né riposo alla nostra anima fino a quando non sarà salva l'umanità. (Discorso alla sessione per il 60° anniversario dell'ONU, 15 settembre 2005)
Twitter Posts: chechojsh El Mandatario venezolano, Hugo Chávez, lanzará oficialmente la Gran Misión A Toda Vida Venezuela
Twitter Posts: GUSTAVO RODRIGUEZ (Dongus21)
Descarga aquí el Plan de Gobierno de Hugo Chávez
Twitter Posts: GUSTAVO RODRIGUEZ (Dongus21)
RT @CiudadCCS: Descarga aquí el Plan de Gobierno de Hugo Chávez #diariociudadccs
Twitter Posts: Pedro Irles Martinez (PedroIrlesM)
#YoMandoAUnGulag a todos esos "rojos" que reniegan de Stalin, Mao, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez...
Twitter Posts: Antonio Plaza (aps1957)
RT @laflacucha: Por qué no lo sancionan? "@JMESA507: Hugo Chavez Helps Assad Slaughter Syrian Civilians via @Newsmax_Media"
Twitter Posts: internety7
Es irrefutable, véalo y depues me dicen: (Déle RT y pon le favorito) Hugo Chavez
Twitter Posts: Clau Holmes (clauholmes)
RT @AlvaroUribeVel: Hugo Chavez Helps Assad Slaughter Syrian Civilians via @Newsmax_Media
Twitter Posts: Raïs Yamga Aoudou (raisissa)
Oh, you're in awe of Hugo Chavez? Tell me more about how progressive your views are.
Twitter Posts: Uriel Sandoval (ursando)
Hola, flacucha. Tranquila q no lo van a pelar!! @laflacucha: Por qué no lo sancionan?: Hugo Chavez Helps Assad Slaughter Syrian Civilians
Twitter Posts: Lend 77 (Lend77)
RT @Manoloparis_: RT."@AlvaroUribeVel: Hugo Chavez Helps Assad Slaughter Syrian Civilians via @Newsmax_Media"
Twitter Posts: Roberto S (Manoloparis_)
RT."@AlvaroUribeVel: Hugo Chavez Helps Assad Slaughter Syrian Civilians via @Newsmax_Media"
Twitter Posts: LuisP25 (BLADIMI)
Hugo Chavez Helps Assad Slaughter Syrian Civilians
Twitter Posts: Mdicksong Return! (Mdicksong)
“En México no queremos un López Chávez”, dijo el martes el expresidente de México Vicente Fox en alusión al venezolano Hugo Chávez.
Twitter Posts: José Gregorio Aranda (arjosegregorio)
"@AlvaroUribeVel: Hugo Chavez Helps Assad Slaughter Syrian Civilians " @Leonardo_Padron @NelsonBocaranda
Twitter Posts: luis Petit (67petit)
Un enviado de Irán conduce los planes bélicos de Hugo Chávez
Twitter Posts: lu (agroreuteler)
“@AlvaroUribeVel: Hugo Chavez Helps Assad Slaughter Syrian Civilians via @Newsmax_Media”
Wikipedia: Death of Hugo Chávez - Wikipedia
Hugo Chávez, the 45th President of Venezuela, died on 5 March at the age of 58.His death triggered a presidential election which was constitutionally required to be called within 30 days. Nicolás Maduro served as interim president following Chávez's death until 14 April, because the Vice President did not want to take charge of the country as Chávez had nominated Nicolas Maduro as a ...
Wikipedia: Foreign policy of the Hugo Chávez administration - Wikipedia
The foreign policy of the Hugo Chávez administration concerns the policy initiatives made by Venezuela under its former President, Hugo Chávez, towards other states.
Wikipedia: Hugo Chávez – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Życiorys Młodość i edukacja Dzieciństwo, rodzina. Hugo Chávez urodził się 28 lipca roku w miejscowości Sabaneta na nizinach andyjskich, w ubogiej rodzinie nauczycielskiej, jako drugi syn Hugo de los Reyes Cháveza i Eleny Frías de Chávez.Hugo Chávez wywodzi się z rodziny o korzeniach afro-wenezuelskich, hiszpańskich i indiańskich. ...
Covering Hugo Chávez: “If Only He Ruled As Well As He Campaigned” –...
With the death of Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, Latin America—and the world—lost one of its most polarizing leaders. Responses from ...
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