Network Profiles Manuel Zamudio Contreras

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Taz: Nachruf Manuel Contreras: Pinochets Mann fürs Grobe -

Chiles Ex-Geheimdienstchef war für Mord, Folter und Entführung zu 549 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt worden. Nun starb er im Alter von 86 Jahren.

General Manuel Contreras | The Times
Ruthless spy chief in Pinochet’s Chile

Chile ex-spymaster, Manuel Contreras, dies at BBC News
Manuel Contreras - who headed Chile's intelligence service during the Pinochet regime in the 1970s and 80s - dies in hospital, aged 86.

Notorious former Chilean spy chief Manuel Contreras buried in private...
SANTIAGO, Chile — The remains of Gen. Manuel Contreras, the spy chief responsible for kidnappings, torture and killings during Chile's ...