News Peter Munk

(1 - 30 from 194

Barrick CEO charts fresh course with potential African sale
[Reuters] - Sokalsky's toughest critic is likely to be his boss, Barrick founder and long-time Chair Peter Munk, who has a penchant for shuffling the management deck if he fails to see results. "While we do not expect instant gratification from Barrick's new era

Barrick in talks to sell African unit to Chinese buyer
[Reuters UK] - Barrick Gold Corporation Chairman Peter Munk speaks during the annual general meeting of shareholders in Toronto May 2, Credit: Reuters/ Mike C…e. By Clara Ferreira-Marques and Euan Rocha. LONDON/TORONTO | Thu Aug 16, :32pm

Barrick in talks to sell African unit to Chinese buyer
[Reuters India] - Barrick Gold Corporation Chairman Peter Munk speaks during the annual general meeting of shareholders in Toronto May 2, Credit: Reuters/ Mike C…e. By Clara Ferreira-Marques and Euan Rocha. LONDON/TORONTO | Fri Aug 17, :02am

Barrick Gold in talks with China over African stake
[CTV News] - Barrick Gold in talks with China over African stake. Peter Munk (right), founder and Chairman of Barrick Gold, shares a joke with the company's president and CEO Aaron Regent during their AGM in Toronto on Wednesday May 2, (Chris Young / THE

Google News: System i byggerod

[NORDJYSKE] - Men i nye Nordstjerneklasser. Afdelingsleder Peter Munk, Byg og Anlæg, oplyser, at entreprenøren, M. T. Højgaard skal aflevere skolen fejl- og mangelfri 21. december. - Entreprenøren har frist til påske med udearealerne, men forventer, at de er

Il mare promesso? In Montenegro
[il Giornale] - Hanno visto giusto alcuni investitori guidati da Peter Munk, magnate di Toronto e presidente della Barrick Gold, la società produttrice di oro più importante del mondo. Nel lussuoso marina ci sono 630 comodissimi ormeggi (130 riservati ai megayacht)

Peter Munk to Start New Real Estate Venture in Montenegro
[Property Xpress Newswire (subscription)] - Peter Munk to Start New Real Estate Venture in Montenegro. August 09, 2012, 8:23, (Property Xpress) - Canadian billionaire Peter Munk, one of the leading foreign investors in Montenegro, has announced a new major ... This article contains 180 words.

Google News: Chile, Comunidades y funcionarios redibujan los límites que Barrick ...

[] - Este cierre negociador se realizó en 2009, luego de la visita de Aaron Regent a Michelle Bachelet y de Peter Munk a Cristina Fernández, y supuso la renuncia de los funcionarios argentinos que consideraron el acuerdo atentatorio a la patria. El acuerdo

Google News: Kvadrat stana u Tivtu eura

[Portaloko] - Kanadski milijarder Peter Munk kupio je za 3,26 milijuna eura od Vlade Crne Gore kompletno tivatsko vojno brodogradilište "Arsenal" i pretvorio ga u marinu za mega jahte i plac površine 24 hektara za gradnju stanova za prodaju na tržištu. Datum zadnje

Google News: Deutschlands Image in der Krise

[] - Dänemark orientiere sich zunehmend mehr an Deutschland, ohne dabei sein Prinzip, keine Bündnisse einzugehen, aufzugeben, meinte der Forscher Peter Munk Jensen. Auf der politischen Ebene habe Dänemark sich schon immer an Deutschlands

Google News: Barrick Misquichilca disminuyó en 20% su producción de oro por ...

[gato] - Su fundador y presidente del directorio es Peter Munk. Barrick Gold produjo millones de onzas de oro el año 2011, a un cash cost promedio de US$460/oz. Las minas de oro que opera Barrick Gold son una en Canadá, una en Argentina, una en Papúa

Google News: Di…do pide a DM colocar revisión del contrato de la Barrick Gold

[El Nuevo Diario (República Dominicana)] - Explicó que Peter Munk Fundador y Presidente del Directorio de la Barrick God le manifestó a los accionistas en su informe del lo siguiente: “En los últimos siete años, a medida que los precios de oro subieron un 260%, las ganancias por acción de

Das Märchen über eine verkaufte Seele
[Insel-Bote] - Der Köhlerjunge Peter Munk denkt über sein Leben nach, mit dem er unzufrieden ist. Er möchte gern reich und angesehen sein, so wie der Amtmann oder der dicke Ezechiel. Stattdessen führt er im Schwarzwald die Köhlerei seines verstorbenen Vaters - eine

Google News: 美元指数下行,金银涨势或将延续——贵金属周报0730

[中金在线] - 由于不满巴里克黄金的股价在过去一年中下跌了30%,由公司创始人兼董事长彼得·蒙克(Peter Munk)率领的董事会撤掉了瑞金特的职务。但该公司股价昨日下跌8%,因其表示,位于南美的Pascua-Lama项目的成本将比预期高出50

Google News: 世界头号黄金生产商放缓扩张脚步

[和讯网] - 由于不满巴里克黄金的股价在过去一年中下跌了30%,由公司创始人兼董事长彼得·蒙克(Peter Munk)率领的董事会撤掉了瑞金特的职务。但该公司股价昨日下跌8%,因其表示,位于南美的Pascua-Lama项目的成本将比预期高出50

Recul de 35 % des profits de Barrick Gold
[Radio-Canada] - Peter Munk, fondateur et président du conseil d'administration de Barrick Gold (archives) Photo : PC/Frank Gunn. Barrick Gold a affirmé jeudi que plusieurs de ses projets dépassaient leurs coûts projetés après avoir fait état de profits nets en recul

Google News: Barrick Gold slows down expansion

[Financial Times] drive production; production will not drive returns” as he unveiled a review of the miner's assets. Mr Regent was ousted by a board led by founder and chairman Peter Munk amid dissatisfaction with a 30 per cent fall in Barrick's share price over

Google News: Pædagogers høje sygefravær koster samfundet dyrt

[JydskeVestkysten] - Derfor undersøger vi lige nu, hvor der skal sættes ind, siger borgmester Ole Bjørstorp (S). Og det gør de klogt i, mener Peter Munk Christiansen, professor på Institut for Statskundskab ved Aarhus Universitet. De fleste kommuner har nemlig en presset

Dr. Uri Elkayam to Deliver 6th HJC Swan Memorial Lecture at ...
[ (press release)] Scientific Executive Committee; Chairman, Section of Preventive Cardiology, International Academy of Cardiology; Dr. Michael Farkouh, Canada, Associate Professor of Medicine; Director, Clinical Trials, Peter Munk Cardiac Centre and Director

Barrick's new CEO readies for public debut Add to ...
[Globe and Mail] - Before losing his job, Mr. Regent is said to have clashed increasingly on the issue with the board and co-chairman Peter Munk, particularly after Barrick's much-questioned acquisition of Equinox Minerals Ltd., a copper company, in for $7.3-billion

Mit Spannung und noch mehr Spielfreude
[Badische Zeitung] - Im Wirtshaus treffen sie aufeinander: der arme Schlucker Peter Munk und das Zweiergespann des herzlosen Betrügers Ezechiel und des schillernden Tanzbodenkönigs. Die Szene stammt aus dem berühmten Märchen "Das kalte Herz" von Wilhelm Hauff.

W. Garfield Weston Foundation grants $4 million to University Health ...
[ (press release)] - With the support of the Weston Foundation, we can advance the Clinic's research platform through integration into the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre biobank and database. This approach will allow us to identify potential molecular therapies for patients

Märchenperlen: Das kalte Herz - ZDFtivi
Köhler Peter Munk gerät in Not und trifft den Waldgeist Holländer-Michel. Dieser macht ihm ein unheimliches Angebot. Wird er es annehmen?

Peter Munk obituary | Register | The Times
Peter Munk arrived in Canada as a penniless Hungarian-Jewish refugee with not a word of English and would go on to strike gold.To his astonishment, the future...

Neue Luxushäfen: Wo die Reichen ankern - manager magazin
Monte Carlo war gestern, heute legen die Yachten der Reichen und Schönen in Montenegro an. Die Marina

Peter Munk | News, Videos & Articles
Peter Munk videos and latest news articles; your source for the latest news on Peter Munk .

Barrick Gold founder Peter Munk dead at 90 – Ottawa Sun
By Ian Bickis, THE CANADIAN PRESS. TORONTO — Barrick Gold Corp.'s visionary founder Peter Munk, a man of lofty global ambitions who ...

Barrick Gold founder Peter Munk, a man of lofty global ambitions,...
Barrick Gold chairman Peter Munk is shown in Toronto, December 4, Barrick Gold says founder Peter Munk died peacefully in Toronto ...

Das kalte Herz - 3sat |
Die Neuverfilmung des Wilhelm-Hauff-Märchens über den jungen Köhler Peter Munk entführt die Zuschauer in den geheimnisvollen Schwarzwald des

Peter Munk, Barrick Gold founder, at 90 – Boston Herald
Apr 1, · TORONTO — Peter Munk, a Canadian immigrant who founded Barrick Gold and turned it into the world's largest gold producer, died ...