Network Profiles Rafael Diaz Castillo

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Olympics-Mexican canoeist wants to put Beijing behind him
[Reuters] - By Carlos Calvo and Rafael Castillo | MEXICO CITY, March 21 (Reuters) - Getting up at 4 am every morning to go fishing with his father before school gave Mexico's Everardo Cristobal a taste of the hard work and self-disciple he would need to win a

Google News: Para..Bolita

[El Sur (México)] - “Hola muy buenas tardes, me puede hacer favor de felicitar a los nuevos Maestros en Ingeniería Electrónica: Joel Castillo, Rafael Castillo, Víctor Hugo Rentería, Víctor Hugo Mejía, Álvaro Cisneros, Ana Virginia Lares, Ulises Bañuelos y Roberto