News Sergio Ermotti

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Google News: UBS Q2 earning plunges by 58%

[MENAFN.COM] - Chief executive officer Sergio Ermotti is shrinking UBS's investment bank by more than half to focus on wealth management as rising capital requirements and Europe's debt woes drag on profitability. "The investment bank has been an underperformer for a

Libor Scandals, Risk and Profits: The Changing European Banking ...
[] - The CEO Sergio Ermotti, said UBS is shrinking its balance sheet to help meet Switzerland's tough new capital rules and the new dynamic in its banking model has clearly changed. He said that the investment banking industry is "in a mid-nineties

[网易] - 《每日概览》网站8月1日消息,瑞银集团总裁埃尔默蒂日前(Sergio Ermotti)表示,受欧债危机和FACEBOOK投资失利影响,瑞银今年上半年经营业绩表现糟糕,但他本人对集团经营现状仍持“半满意”态度。 埃表示,为降低欧债危机

Problem IPO and downturn blamed for UBS profit drop
[New Zealand Herald] - Chief executive Sergio Ermotti, who is cutting the investment bank's size by more than half, told investors in a statement that UBS will focus more on wealth management to comply with the need for greater capital cushions. He said the bank would

Schweizer Großbank: Facebook-Börsengang belastet UBS
[WirtschaftsWoche] - Wann es wieder besser läuft, hängt nach den Worten von Konzernchef Sergio Ermotti von der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Großwetterlage ab. Wenn es in der europäischen Schulden- und Bankenkrise und beim amerikanischen Staatshaushalt keine

Mortgage Writedowns, Tar Sands Loophole, SEC: Compliance
[Bloomberg] - UBS AG (UBSN) Chief Executive Officer Sergio Ermotti said there is no reason to single out the Swiss bank in the probes regulators worldwide are conducting into the possible manipulation of London interbank offered rates. He made the remarks at a press

[世界日報] - 圖為其執行長厄摩提(Sergio Ermotti)召開記者會。(美聯社). slideshow. 臉書(Facebook)公布財報後,連續三個交易日下跌;31日股價又跌6.2%,收盤價再創上市以來新低紀錄。瑞銀集團(UBS)則宣稱在首日交易中因下單執行混亂虧損超過3億5000萬元,並將對那斯達

Google News: La crisis golpea a los mayores bancos de Europa

[] - En Zúrich, el consejero delegado de UBS, Sergio Ermotti, aseguró que su grupo está determinado a "consolidar su posición" para alcanzar al final de este año el 9% de capital principal que le exige Europa. Y el Erste Bank austriaco anunció por su parte

Google News: UBS polubił Facebooka i teraz tego żałuje

[Wprost 24] - Po ubiegłorocznym komunikacie o zwolnieniu 3,5 tys. pracowników prezes szwajcarskiego banku Sergio Ermotti ogłosił redukcję działu bankowości inwestycyjnej i skupienie się na usługach wealth management w odpowiedzi na rosnące wymagania

Ein grosser Patzer
[Basler Zeitung] - «Meinungen sind Meinungen, Fakten sind Fakten»: Trotz Gewinneinbruch im zweiten Quartal scheut Sergio Ermotti die markigen Worte nicht. An der heutigen Medienkonferenz rechtfertigte der UBS-Konzernchef zusammen mit Finanzchef Tom Naratil das

Google News: Libor scandal and weak results weigh on UBS

[] - Chief executive Sergio Ermotti denied that his bank played a central role in the interest rate rigging affair that has already claimed the scalps of top Barclays management. He also insisted that no evidence of manipulation had been found beyond that

Economía.- UBS gana un 55,6% menos en el primer semestre, tras ...
[Europa Press] - Facebook · Asimismo · Nasdaq · Sergio Ermotti. ZURICH (SUIZA), 31 Jul. (EUROPA PRESS) -. El banco suizo UBS obtuvo en los seis primeros meses de un beneficio neto atribuido de millones de francos suizos ( millones de euros), lo que

UBS se atraganta con Facebook
[El Paí (España)] - El director general del banco suizo UBS, Sergio Ermotti. / ARND WIEGMANN (REUTERS). Recomendar en Facebook 0. Twittear 0. Enviar a LinkedIn 0. Enviar a Tuenti Enviar a Menéame Enviar a Eskup. Enviar Imprimir. El desastroso estreno bursátil de

20 Minuten Online: Aucune preuve de l'implication d'UBS

[20] - «Nous n'avons trouvé aucune preuve (de l'implication d'UBS dans le scandale) lors de la revue détaillée de nos documents», a précisé le directeur général Sergio Ermotti lors d'une conférence de presse. La première banque helvétique va cependant

Profit plunge for Swiss banking group UBS
[Ninemsn] - Chief Executive Sergio Ermotti told investors in a statement that UBS would continue to focus on "prudent liquidity management, further reducing risk-weighted assets and delivering the best possible service to our clients" :43Sydney

Putting a price on Deutsche deviance
[Business Spectator] - But UBS – which has previously announced plans to downsize its investment bank and to cut jobs – was relatively confident regarding the Libor probe. The bank's boss, Sergio Ermotti, said it was “crystal clear” that UBS was not in the centre of

UBS to slap NASDAQ in the Facebook after profits slump
[ShareCast] as well as our transparency and consistency in communicating these strengths, clearly speak in favour of UBS and reassure our clients in an otherwise adverse environment," claimed Group Chief Executive Officer Sergio Ermotti, who preferred to focus

FOCUS: ROUNDUP: Facebook und Schuldenkrise belasten UBS – Düsterer ...

[FOCUS Online] - Doch auch hier rechnet Vorstandschef Sergio Ermotti mit einem Rückgang, falls sich das Umfeld nicht bessert. Er geht davon aus, dass die Krise die Bank weiter fest im Griff haben wird. Angesichts der zahlreichen wirtschaftlichen Probleme rund um den

Google News: UBS hit by Facebook loss

[Financial Times] - The trading scandal led to the departure of Oswald Grübel as chief executive, and his successor, Sergio Ermotti has set about refocusing the bank on its wealth management operations. UBS said on Tuesday that it would shrink the investment bank's

UBS/Scandale du Libor: pas de preuve d'une implication de la ...
[] - Zurich (awp/ats) - UBS n'a pas trouvé d'élément démontrant son implication dans le scandale sur la manipulation du taux interbancaire Libor, a indiqué son patron Sergio Ermotti mardi devant la presse à Zurich. La banque va continuer à coopérer avec les

Google News: Facebook Fiasco Drags UBS Profit Lower

[Wall Street & Technology] - We haven't found any evidence to support beyond the three we have already disclosed," UBS boss Sergio Ermotti said at a press conference. ($1 = Swiss francs). (Additional reporting by John McCrank; Editing by Erica Billingham). Copyright by

Google News: Europe's Banks Pounded by Recession, Libor, Facebook

[Advanced Trading] - Sergio Ermotti, chief executive of Swiss bank UBS which shocked investors with a sharp drop in profit, summed up the mood: "A return of confidence can only happen when clients believe there is a clear and lasting resolution to today's economic and

UBS denunciará al Nasdaq por las acciones de Facebook
[euronews] expertos se esperaban que estos beneficios fueran de más del doble. “Compramos más acciones de las que deseaba nuestros clients porque el Nasdaq hizo un gran error de evaluación”, criticó el presidente de UBS, Sergio Ermotti. “Admitieron este error.

Google News: 东芝首季营业利润按年飙1.8倍远超预期

[和讯网] - 行政总裁Sergio Ermotti缩窄瑞银投资银行规模一半以上,以集中财富管理,因资金需求上升和欧洲的主权债务危机拖累证券单位。 瑞银表示,欧洲的债务危机和对经济前景的疑虑,可能会在第三季度造成进一步的不利因素。 投

UBS culpa Facebook por quebra nos pucros
[euronews] - Agora vamos acionar os meios legais para sermos reembolsados” afirma Sergio Ermotti, CEO do UBS. O UBS explica ainda que para além da polémica provocada pela queda acentuada do valor das ações, houve também problemas técnicos na gestão das

Google News: UBS'in karı yüzde 58 düştü

[BloombergHT] - Banka CEO'su Sergio Ermotti, Avrupa borç krizinin menkul kıymetlerin karlılığını düşürmesi ve artan sermaye gerekliliklerinden dolayı, yatırım bankacılığı birimini, refah yönetimi biriminde odaklanmak üzere, yarıdan daha fazla küçültmüştü. UBS

Facebook-Börsengang verhagelt Bilanz der UBS
[euronews] - Die Erwartungen von Analysten wurden damit enttäuscht. Allein beim Facebook-Börsengang verlor die UBS rund 300 Millionen Euro. Laut UBS-Chef Sergio Ermotti war dies vor allem die Schuld der US-Technologiebörse Nasdaq. “Wir haben sehr viel mehr

UBS'in kârı Facebook yüzünden yarıya indi
[euronews] - Bankanın tepe yöneticisi Sergio Ermotti, halka arzda sistem sorunundan dolayı kayba neden olan Nasdaq'ı mahkemeye vermeye hazırlanıyor: “Müşterilerimizin istediğinden daha fazla hisse satın aldık. Çünkü Nasdaq büyük bir değerlendirme hatası yaptı.

Google News: UBS i Deutsche Bank rozczarowały

[Rzeczpospolita] - Sergio Ermotti, prezes giganta z Zurychu, już o ponad połowę odchudził bank inwestycyjny i koncentruje się na zarządzaniu majątkiem zamożnych klientów (wealth management) oraz dokapitalizowaniu banku. – Pion inwestycyjny w tej chwili spisuje się

UBS T2: bénéfice net divisé par deux, la "facture Facebook" est ...
[] - Alors qu'UBS a été pointée du doigt par la Banque nationale suisse (BNS) pour ses niveaux de fonds propres jugés insuffisants, Sergio Ermotti a affirmé que la banque était "déterminée à consolider sa position de banque la mieux capitalisée". "Nous nous

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