Network Profiles Terry L. Christensen

(1 - 47 from 97

Google News: Political science professor retires after 42 years of service

[Spartan Daily] - SJSU political science professor Terry Christensen sits in his small office in Clark Hall and grins when asked what he is going to do once he starts his retirement after 42 years of service. "I'm looking forward to spending more time with my dogs," he

Vallejoans weigh political impact of Obama's pro gay marriage stance
[Vallejo Times-Herald] - "I don't think very many people will be surprised by (Obama's position)," San Jose State University Political Science Professor Terry Christensen said. "I think a lot of people had read into him a propensity to support gay marriage.

Google News: Senate introduces bill to freeze student loans and interest rates

[Spartan Daily] - Political science professor Terry Christensen said Republicans and Democrats mostly support keeping the lower interest rate but cannot agree on how to pay for it, so it's a stand-off at the moment. “(It's) a big burden for students who rely on these

Pizarro: Festive farewell for San Jose State professor Terry ...
[San Jose Mercury News] - By Sal Pizarro The retirement bash Friday for San Jose State professor Terry Christensen really had all the trappings of a Democratic Party convention. There were politicians, speeches, balloons and so many Priuses in the parking lot that you could