Google News: Petition supports Sarah Palin America's Heartland speech at GOP Convention
[RenewAmerica] - Are they in dread that Sarah Palin will wow the convention and America by drawing from her deep well of passionate and fervent feelings for America's families suffering in the heartland? Does the Romney campaign feel somehow skittish that she will make
Paul Ryan represents political dark age
[San Francisco Chronicle] - Paul Ryan, is the reverse of Sarah Palin. She was all right-wing flash without much substance. He's all right-wing substance without much flash. Ryan is not a firebrand. He's not smarmy. He doesn't ooze contempt for opponents or ridicule those who
McCain: Palin would have 'added a lot' to presidential race
[Deseret News] - WEST VALLEY CITY — John McCain's running mate in his presidential bid, Sarah Palin, "would have added a lot to the race" had she been a candidate for the White House this election, the senator said Thursday. "How she would have done, I can't say
Why Isn't Paul Ryan Getting the Sarah Palin Treatment?
[Huffington Post (blog)] - What do new GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan and former GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin have in common? They're both the parents of young, school-aged children. Ryan's children -- ages 7, 8 and are in that childhood sweet spot. They're just old enough
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