News Tommy Vietor

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Tommy Vietor | Iran New Now
6:15AM GMT – March 1 A Look Back… In order to give those who might be new to what is happening in Iran some context that helps to put things in perspective, ...

Washington, 28 set. 08:25 Usa: Repubblicani, via ambasciatore Onu ...
[La Repubblica] nel rappresentare il suo Paese alle Nazoni Unite e il presidente le e' enormemente grato per i suoi servigi ed e' felice che possa continuare a prestare servizio ', ha dichiarato il portavoce del consigliere per la sicurezza nazionale, Tommy Vietor .

[中央廣播電台] - 金恩28日晚間告訴美國有線電視新聞網(CNN),蘇珊.萊斯說沒有恐怖分子涉及這場攻擊的說法,是不負責任的。 不過白宮迅速為蘇珊.萊斯辯護。美國國家安全會議(NSC)發言人費艾托(Tommy Vietor)說,蘇珊.萊斯代表美國政府,在聯合國的表現傑出,歐巴馬總統

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu draws red line for Iran's nuclear ...
[Catholic Online] - "As the prime minister said, the United States and Israel share the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Netanyahu for more

Netanyahu's Moynihan problem
[Israel Hayom] - The United States and Israel share the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor responded to Netanyahu's speech. “We will continue our close consultation and cooperation toward

Netanyahu Demands 'Red Line' on Iran
[Wall Street Journal] - "As the prime minister said, the United States and Israel share the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon," said U.S. National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor. Israel's prime minister sought and failed to secure a meeting with Mr.

Obama's briefings are showing
[Washington Post] - Asked about that recent uptick in Obama's “attendance, ” White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said Tuesday afternoon: “As we've said countless times, the president reads the PDB every day and most days he's in D.C. has an Oval [Office] session.” Vietor

Google News: Mursi ABD'yle ilişkileri resetliyor

[Dünya Bülteni] - Kafa karışıklığı Ulusal Güvenlik Sözcüsü Tommy Vietor'un bir “müttefikin” “kanuni bir terim” olduğunu açıklığa kavuşturmak için çırpındığında ortaya çıkmıştı; Mısır “ABD'nin köklü ve yakın bir ortağı” idi; Dışişleri sözcüsü Victoria Nuland ise “Mısır

Obama's intel briefing attendance nears 100 percent
[Washington Post (blog)] - Asked about that recent uptick in Obama's “attendance, ” White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said Tuesday afternoon that, “As we've said countless times, the President reads the PDB every day and most days he's in D.C. has an Oval [Office] session.

Glasser: Breakfast With Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
[Newsday] - "Characteristically disgusting, offensive and outrageous," said Tommy Vietor, spokesman for the National Security Council. It was Ahmadinejad's eighth straight visit to New York for the U.N. meetings, and his eighth straight such meeting with American

Iran's President Spreads the Outrage in New York
[New York Times] - Tommy Vietor, a White House spokesman, called his comments “characteristically disgusting, offensive and outrageous.” He said they “underscore again why America's commitment to the security of Israel must be unshakable, and why the world must hold

Iran President Plays Down Israeli Threat
[Wall Street Journal] - A spokesman for the White House National Security Council, Tommy Vietor, called Mr. Ahmadinejad's comments "disgusting, offensive, and outrageous," adding, "They underscore again why America's commitment to the security of Israel must be unshakable

Obama\'s UN speech:Focus on Iran, Muslim world unrest
[Sahara Samay] - "As he has in recent days, the president will make it clear that we reject the views in this video, while also underscoring that violence is never acceptable," said National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor in a memo on Obama's upcoming U.N

Fecklessness and Failure as Foreign Policy: Obama at UN
[Arutz Sheva] - As National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor put it, Obama does not need to attend daily briefings because he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.” How sophisticated is Obama? He's so sophisticated that the

Google News: Obama en la ONU: la violencia a embajadas de EE.UU. en países ...

[Télam] - El portavoz del Consejo Nacional de Seguridad de la Casa Blanca, Tommy Vietor, dijo que Obama aprovechará su discurso para hablar del liderazgo de Estados Unidos en el mundo, "de los recientes disturbios en el mundo musulmán y del contexto más

Google News: Obama y la sombra de las embajadas

[La Voz del Interior] - El portavoz del Consejo Nacional de Seguridad de la Casa Blanca, Tommy Vietor, dijo que Obama aprovechará su discurso para hablar del liderazgo de Estados Unidos en el mundo, de los recientes disturbios del mundo musulmán y del contexto más

Google News: Los líderes mundiales se reúnen en una ONU paralizada

[ (Argentina)] - Luego de sus palabras, uno de los voceros de la Casa Blanca, Tommy Vietor, reafirmó el compromiso de Estados Unidos con Israel, uno de los ejes del discurso de Obama el año último, que, se espera, el mandatario reiterará hoy. Pero quizá como

Google News: Iran declares Israel to be 'eliminated'

[] - In Washington, White House spokesman Tommy Vietor reaffirmed the US commitment to Israel's security. ''President Ahmadinejad's comments are characteristically disgusting, offensive and outrageous. Ad Feedback. ''They underscore again why America's

Ahmadinejad in New York: Israel will be 'eliminated'
[World Jewish Congress] - Spokesman Tommy Vietor reaffirmed the American commitment to Israel's security: "President Ahmadinejad's comments are characteristically disgusting, offensive and outrageous. They underscore again why America's commitment to the security of Israel

Pérez llevará a ONU tema de las drogas
[El Universal] para que Obama hable del liderazgo de EU en el mundo, “de los recientes disturbios en el mundo musulmán, y del contexto más amplio de las transiciones democráticas en el mundo árabe”, dijo Tommy Vietor, portavoz del Consejo Nacional de Seguridad

Google News: Egypt's Morsi resets ties with US

[Asia Times Online] - The confusion actually arose when US National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor scrambled to clarify that "ally" is a "legal term of art", whereas Egypt is a "long-standing and close partner" of the United States, and, thereupon, State Department

Obama may take anti-film unrest issue to UN
[Times of India] - Noting that the UN General Assembly always provides an opportunity for the US President to put the international situation in context and to put forward a vision of American leadership, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said he would

UPDATE 6-In New York, defiant Ahmadinejad says Israel will be ...
[Reuters] - WHITE HOUSE: COMMENTS DISGUSTING. In Washington, White House spokesman Tommy Vietor reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to Israel's security. "President Ahmadinejad's comments are characteristically disgusting, offensive and outrageous," he said.

[FOX News Radio] - The White House responded to those and other controversial comments through National Security Council Spokesman Tommy Vietor who said quote: “President Ahmadinejad's comments are characteristically disgusting, offensive and outrageous.

A Manager of Overseas Crises, as Much as the World Permits
[New York Times] - Once he was so exacting in choosing a basketball jersey for his son, recalled Tommy Vietor, his spokesman, “it was as if it was a principals' meeting.” Mr. Obama gave him grief for never taking time off and browbeat him into losing 50 pounds. But he

Ahmadinejad says Israel has 'no roots' in Middle East
[Fox News] - "President Ahmadinejad's comments are characteristically disgusting, offensive, and outrageous," said National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor. "They underscore again why America's commitment to the security of Israel must be unshakeable, and

Google News: Should Obama trash-talk Innocence of Muslims at the UN?

[The Week Magazine] - In a preview of Obama's speech, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said the president will address the uprisings in Muslim countries against the low-budget anti-Islam film Innocence of Muslims. Obama "will make it clear that we reject the

Google News: UN General Assembly Dates, Live Streaming Schedules: What ...

[Latinos Post] - National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor notes that "any time the president goes to the U.N. General Assembly, he has an opportunity to set the agenda on the world stage as the leader of the world's most powerful nation." Like Us on Facebook

South Florida condemns Iranian leader's claim that Israel will be ...
[Sun-Sentinel] - In Washington, White House spokesman Tommy Vietor denounced the Iranian president's latest comments and reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to Israel's security. "President Ahmadinejad's comments are characteristically disgusting, offensive and outrageous

Google News: Obama rejects foreign policy barbs

[Financial Times] video, while also underscoring that violence is never acceptable – a message that has been echoed by the leaders he has personally reached out to in places like Libya, Egypt and Yemen,” said Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the national security council.

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